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Hi! I'm Gina, also known as The Silver Spoon Italian. I'm a Nutritionist from Food Fix 4 Life and a Social Worker dedicated to health promotion. I'm thrilled to welcome you to Glow from Within, a space committed to helping women achieve and radiate health and vitality through the power of nutritious and delicious whole food eating. 

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Angie M
"I recently bought Gina's 'Easy Italian' e-cookbook (instant download yay!). As an Italian who cherishes our food culture but doesn't like spending too much time in the kitchen, this book is the perfect blend of authentic Italian taste and effortless cooking!  What I love most is how Gina simplifies Italian cuisine without sacrificing flavor. Her recipes capture the essence of Italy with very easy-to-follow instructions and quality, fresh easy to source ingredients. My favorites so far are the Easy Focaccia and Pasta with Pesto and Peas. I also personally love the plant-based focus of the... Read More
"If you are looking for new ways to use plant based foods, well try this cookbook by this amazing foodie - Gina. The Cookbook is worth every penny! Thanks Gina for your food style."
"I love the new recipes I've discovered in my Meal Plan. They are so tasty and easy to make. The whole family are enjoying them too. Thank-you Gina".