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Selecting a Meal Plan that’s right for you. Consider the following questions and recommendations

Do you suffer from bloating, stomach cramps, discomfort, or digestion issues?

You may prefer to select the ‘Gluten Free/Dairy Free’ meal plan or a ‘Book a Consultation’.

Have you tried every diet under the sun, but have still not managed to reach your goal weight and sustain it long term? Are you looking for a healthy and sustainable way to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight range for life?

You may prefer to select from the ‘Lean Up’ Meal Plan. You could also select from the ‘Healthy Vegan’ Meal Plan or the ‘Pescatarian Meal Plan’.

Are you interested in reducing your meat consumption and looking at environmentally sustainable options for eating? Do you want to increase your plant-based eating, while still maintaining the correct ratio of protein requirements in a healthy, wholefood way?

You may prefer to choose from the ‘Healthy Vegan Meal Plan’ or the ‘Pescatarian Meal Plan’.

Are you ready to embark on a journey to improved health and vitality? Want to begin with a basic meal plan to set you on a path to health and wellness?

You may prefer to choose from the ‘Healthy Lifestyles’ Meal Plan.

Are beginning to experience the effects of changing hormones due to perimenopause or menopause? Are you seeking healthy, enjoyable and stress-free ways to improve menopause symptoms through the aid of powerful nutritional food combinations, rituals and routines?

You may prefer to select from the ‘Menopause Ease’ Meal Plan.

Do you suffer from any chronic illnesses or allergies?

All of our Meal Plans are based on anti-inflammatory eating, therefore they address and help to reduce symptoms of chronic illness. You may choose from any of the specially designed meal plans or chose to ‘Book a Consultation’ for further help.

Have you struggled with maintaining or stabilising your blood sugar levels? Have you recently been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and don’t know where to start, or where to obtain practical helpful meal plans that still include delicious foods??

You may prefer to select from the ‘Diabetic Friendly’ Meal Plan.