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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the benefits of following a nutritionist-prepared meal plan?
Following a nutritionist-prepared meal plan from 'Glow from Within' offers numerous benefits, including improved overall health, weight management, increased energy levels, better digestion, enhanced mental clarity, improved gut health, skin, hair, bones, and muscles. This is what a well-designed whole food diet can achieve. The simple... Read More
2. What is an anti-inflammatory diet? Why should I eat an anti-inflammatory diet?
An anti-inflammatory diet centres around consuming foods that help lower chronic inflammation in the body. It prioritises fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats, while avoiding highly processed foods, refined sugars, and trans fats. An anti-inflammatory diet can be beneficial for managing and preventing... Read More
3. How do I know which meal plan is right for me?
Choosing the right meal plan depends on your specific health goals and dietary preferences. We offer a variety of plans tailored to different needs, including weight loss, gluten and dairy-free options, diabetic-friendly plans, pescatarian lifestyles, vegan and plant based options and an in depth Meal Plan designed to assist Perimenopause... Read More
4. Will I see results quickly?
Results vary depending on individual factors such as metabolism, activity level, adherence to the meal plan, and overall health status. While some individuals may experience noticeable results in a short period, others may require more time. Consistency and commitment to the meal plan are key factors in achieving desired outcomes.
5. Can I customise my meal plan?
Yes, you can book 30-minute consultation with Gina if you require additional support and guidance. Discounts apply for bulk sessions.
6. Are the ingredients used in the meal plans easily accessible?
We strive to use ingredients that are readily available in most grocery stores or markets. Our meal plans feature whole, unprocessed foods that are easy to find and incorporate into your daily meals. We also provide suggestions for substitutions if certain ingredients are unavailable or if you have dietary restrictions.
7. Can I still eat out while following the meal plan?
Absolutely! Enjoying a meal out or ordering take-away is a great way to unwind and socialise while still maintaining your healthy lifestyle. When dining out, it's important to be mindful of your choices and stick to the principles outlined in our 'eating out guide' included in every plan.
8. Do you provide recipes and cooking instructions?
Yes, we provide detailed recipes and cooking instructions for each meal included in your plan. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to prepare healthy and delicious meals at home. You will not be required to spend 5 hours a day in the kitchen.
9. Can I speak with a nutritionist for personalised advice and support?
Absolutely! I'm here to provide personalised advice and support throughout your journey. Simply reach out to me via email to schedule a consultation. You can purchase an add-on 30-minute consultation with any plan purchased for an additional $90 if you want to discuss customised options.
10. What if there are foods on the meal plan that I don’t like or I am allergic to?
If there are any foods in the plan that you do not eat, you can easily replace those foods with another suggestion from another day. If you think you require further planning, that is easy. You can book a half hour phone consultation to discuss your specific needs. The aim is to keep the calorie count as much the same as possible... Read More
11. What about coffee? Can I still drink coffee??
A very common question, and the good news is YES, you can still enjoy your coffee while following a ‘Glow from Within’ Meal Plan. Full details of how to enjoy your daily coffee are provided in the instructions.
How do I get started with a meal plan?
Getting started with a meal plan is easy! Simply visit explore our various meal plan options and choose the one that best fits your needs and preferences. All our plans are available as an instant download so you can get started right away on your journey to better, more radiant health!
This program does not constitute medical advice. If you require advice in relation to any matter you should consult an appropriate health professional. Be sure to exclude any foods you are allergic to.